// 明示的にクラスを宣言して使う
class Logger
public function log($msg)
echo $msg;
$util->setLogger(new Logger());
// 無名クラスを使う
$util->setLogger(new class {
public function log($msg)
echo $msg;
コンストラクタを使って引数を渡したり、他のクラスを継承したり、 インターフェイスを実装したり、トレイトを使ったりといった、 普通のクラスと同じようなことが可能です。
class SomeClass {}
interface SomeInterface {}
trait SomeTrait {}
var_dump(new class(10) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface {
private $num;
public function __construct($num)
$this->num = $num;
use SomeTrait;
object(class@anonymous)#1 (1) { ["Command line code0x104c5b612":"class@anonymous":private]=> int(10) }
無名クラスを別のクラス内で作っても、外側のクラスの private や protected なメソッド、 およびプロパティにはアクセスできません。 外側のクラスの protected プロパティやメソッドにアクセスするには、 無名クラスに外側のクラスを継承させます。 外側のクラスの private プロパティを無名クラスで使うには、 コンストラクタでそれを渡す必要があります。
class Outer
private $prop = 1;
protected $prop2 = 2;
protected function func1()
return 3;
public function func2()
return new class($this->prop) extends Outer {
private $prop3;
public function __construct($prop)
$this->prop3 = $prop;
public function func3()
return $this->prop2 + $this->prop3 + $this->func1();
echo (new Outer)->func2()->func3();
function anonymous_class()
return new class {};
if (get_class(anonymous_class()) === get_class(anonymous_class())) {
echo '同じクラス';
} else {
echo '違うクラス';
無名クラスには内部的な名前が付けられていることに注意しましょう。これは次の例で確認できます。 ただこれは細部の実装上の話なので、この名前に依存するコードを書いてはいけません。
echo get_class(new class {});上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のようになります。
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User Contributed Notes 8 notes
Anonymous ¶
8 years ago
Below three examples describe anonymous class with very simple and basic but quite understandable example
// First way - anonymous class assigned directly to variable
$ano_class_obj = new class{
public $prop1 = 'hello';
public $prop2 = 754;
const SETT = 'some config';
public function getValue()
// do some operation
return 'some returned value';
public function getValueWithArgu($str)
// do some operation
return 'returned value is '.$str;
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj->prop1;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj->prop2;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj::SETT;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj->getValue();
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj->getValueWithArgu('OOP');
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
// Second way - anonymous class assigned to variable via defined function
$ano_class_obj_with_func = ano_func();
function ano_func()
return new class {
public $prop1 = 'hello';
public $prop2 = 754;
const SETT = 'some config';
public function getValue()
// do some operation
return 'some returned value';
public function getValueWithArgu($str)
// do some operation
return 'returned value is '.$str;
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_func->prop1;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_func->prop2;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_func::SETT;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_func->getValue();
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_func->getValueWithArgu('OOP');
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
// Third way - passing argument to anonymous class via constructors
$arg = 1; // we got it by some operation
$config = [2, false]; // we got it by some operation
$ano_class_obj_with_arg = ano_func_with_arg($arg, $config);
function ano_func_with_arg($arg, $config)
return new class($arg, $config) {
public $prop1 = 'hello';
public $prop2 = 754;
public $prop3, $config;
const SETT = 'some config';
public function __construct($arg, $config)
$this->prop3 = $arg;
$this->config =$config;
public function getValue()
// do some operation
return 'some returned value';
public function getValueWithArgu($str)
// do some operation
return 'returned value is '.$str;
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_arg->prop1;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_arg->prop2;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_arg::SETT;
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_arg->getValue();
echo "\n";
echo $ano_class_obj_with_arg->getValueWithArgu('OOP');
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
ytubeshareit at gmail dot com ¶
7 years ago
Anonymous classes are syntax sugar that may appear deceiving to some.
The 'anonymous' class is still parsed into the global scope, where it is auto assigned a name, and every time the class is needed, that global class definition is used. Example to illustrate....
The anonymous class version...
function return_anon(){
return new class{
public static $str="foo";
echo $test::$str; //ouputs foo
//we can still access the 'anon' class directly in the global scope!
$another=get_class($test); //get the auto assigned name
echo $another::$str; //outputs foo
The above is functionally the same as doing this....
class I_named_this_one{
public static $str="foo";
function return_not_anon(){
return 'I_named_this_one';
$clzz=return_not_anon();//get class name
echo $clzz::$str;
sebastian.wasser at gmail ¶
5 years ago
I wanted to share my findings on static properties of anonymous classes.
So, given an anonymous class' object generating function like this:
function nc () {
return new class {
public static $prop = [];
Getting a new object and changing the static property:
$a = nc();
$a::$prop[] = 'a';
// array(1) {
// [0] =>
// string(1) "a"
// }
Now getting another object and changing the static property will change the original one, meaning that the static property is truly static:
$b = nc();
$b::$prop[] = 'b';
var_dump($b::$prop); // Same as var_dump($a::$prop);
// array(2) {
// [0] =>
// string(1) "a"
// [1] =>
// string(1) "b"
// }
assert($a::$prop === $b::$prop); // true
joey ¶
5 years ago
The only way to type hint this would appear to be as object.
If you need multiple instances of an anonymous class in a function you can use:
$class = function(string $arg):object {
return new class($arg) {
public function __construct(string $arg) {
$this->ow = $arg;
Though for the sake of structure it's ill advised to do something like this outside of a single scope or that's used across multiple files. If you class is only used in one scope however then it's probably not a code mess problem.
j.m \ jamesweb \ ca ¶
7 years ago
/* I like the idea of OneShot classes.
Thanks to that Anonymous bro\sist for precising
new class( $a, $b )
If you are looking for "Delayed OneShot Anonymous Classes" for any reason (like the reason: loading files in a readable manner while not using autoload), it would probably look something like this; */
$u = function()use(&$u){
$u = new class{private $name = 'Utils';};
$w = function(&$rewrite)use(&$w){
$w = null;
$rewrite = new class{private $name = 'DataUtils';};
// Usage;
'( Self Destructive )',
'Anonymous Class Creation',
'Before ( $u )' => $u,
'Running ( $u() )' => $u(),
'After ( $u )' => $u,
'( Overwriting && Self Destructive )',
'Anonymous Class Creation',
'Before ( $w )' => $w,
'Running ( $w($u) )' => $w($u),
'After ( $w )' => $w,
'After ( $u )' => $u
// btw : oh shoot I failed a spam challenge
razvan_bc at yahoo dot com ¶
4 years ago
you can try these
return new class{
public static function say($msg){
echo $msg;
public static function sp(){
echo self::say(' ');
//almost the same code bottom
piotr at maslosoft dot com ¶
7 years ago
Please note that class name returned by `get_class` might contain null bytes, as is the case in my version of PHP (7.1.4).
Name will change when class starting line or it's body is changed.
Yes, name is implementation detail that should not be relied upon, but in some rare use cases it is required (annotating anonymous class).
ismaelj+php at hotmail dot com ¶
4 months ago
Thanks to the new property hooks in PHP 8.4 (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/property-hooks) and anonymous functions, now we can create an inner class instantiated only on use:
class BaseClass {
public function __construct() { echo "base class\n"; }
public $childClass { set {} get {
if ($this->childClass === null ) {
$this->childClass = new class {
public function __construct() { echo " child class\n"; }
public function say(string $s) : void { echo " $s\n"; }
return $this->childClass;
$base = new BaseClass();
base class
child class
The obvious downside is that you can't set a type to the child class, unless you define an interface and the child class implements it or if the child class extends an existing class:
class ParentClass {
public function say(string $s) : void { echo " $s\n"; }
class BaseClass {
public function __construct() { echo "base class\n"; }
public ParentClass $childClass { set {} get {
if (!isset($this->childClass)) {
$this->childClass = new class extends ParentClass {
public function __construct() { echo " child class\n"; }
return $this->childClass;
$base = new BaseClass();
base class
child class
This can be also done with functions, but with hooks to me looks more like in other languages that have this functionality natively.
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