(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
mysqli_result::free -- mysqli_result::close -- mysqli_result::free_result -- mysqli_free_result — 結果に関連付けられたメモリを開放する
手続き型のみ: mysqli_query()、mysqli_store_result()、mysqli_use_result()、mysqli_stmt_get_result() が返す mysqli_result オブジェクト。
- mysqli_query() - データベース上でクエリを実行する
- mysqli_stmt_store_result() - 内部バッファに結果を保存する
- mysqli_stmt_get_result() - プリペアドステートメントから結果を mysqli_result オブジェクトとして取得する
- mysqli_store_result() - 直近のクエリから結果セットを転送する
- mysqli_use_result() - 結果セットの取得を開始する
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User Contributed Notes 3 notes
jack_action100 at hotmail dot example dot com ¶
5 years ago
If you are STILL getting this error, even after freeing your results:
Internal SQL Bug: 2014, Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
You may have a stored procedure in your query. A procedure can return more than one result set, and it will always return one extra empty result set that carries some meta information on the procedure call itself, especially error information. ( source: )
While calling single procedures, with one SELECT in them, using mysqli->query("CALL `stored_procedure`();"), I had to do the following to make it work between two calls:
It has no negative impact if you are not calling a stored procedure.
polygon dot co dot in at gmail dot com ¶
3 years ago
We should free the mysql results using mysqli_free_result respectively or else this will consume your server RAM resource.
This is demonstrated as below
$link = mysqli_connect('Hostname','Username','Password','Database');
echo '<br/>Memory Usage Before Query = '.memory_get_usage(false); // 449464 bytes
$resultResource = mysqli_query($link, 'SELECT * FROM test');
echo '<br/>Memory Usage after Query = '.memory_get_usage(false); // 466528 bytes
$result = array();
while ($result[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultResource)) {}
echo '<br/><br/>Memory Usage Before Free Result = '.memory_get_usage(false); // 474208 bytes
echo '<br/>Memory Usage After Free Result = '.memory_get_usage(false); // 457336 bytes
Output below.
Memory Usage Before Query = 449464
Memory Usage after Query = 466528
Memory Usage Before Free Result = 474208
Memory Usage After Free Result = 457336
So, One can observer there is memory usage after the query is executed. The results are returned by DB server to the web server instantaniously once the query execution is over. The results present on web server are then processed for fetching from the resource link on web server.
Also this is observed that there is lesser memory usage after using mysqli_free_result because the resources stored on web server for respective query are freed by providing respective resource link.
Vector at ionisis dot com ¶
15 years ago
If you are getting this error:
Internal SQL Bug: 2014, Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
Then you never called mysqli_result::free(), mysqli_result::free_result(), mysqli_result::close(), or mysqli_free_result() in your script, and must call it before executing another stored procedure.
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