

The Swoole\Server class

(PECL swoole >= 1.9.0)



class Swoole\Server {
/* メソッド */
public addlistener(string $host, int $port, string $socket_type): void
public addProcess(swoole_process $process): bool
public after(int $after_time_ms, callable $callback, string $param = ?): ReturnType
public bind(int $fd, int $uid): bool
public clearTimer(int $timer_id): void
swoole_timer_clear(int $timer_id): void
public close(int $fd, bool $reset = ?): bool
public confirm(int $fd): bool
public connection_info(int $fd, int $reactor_id = ?): array
public connection_list(int $start_fd, int $pagesize = ?): array
public defer(callable $callback): void
public Swoole\Server\Port::on(string $event_name, callable $callback): ReturnType
public exist(int $fd): bool
public finish(string $data): void
public getClientInfo(int $fd, int $reactor_id = ?, bool $ignore_error = ?): array
public getClientList(int $start_fd, int $pagesize = ?): array
public getLastError(): int
public heartbeat(bool $if_close_connection): mixed
public listen(string $host, int $port, string $socket_type): bool
public on(string $event_name, callable $callback): void
public pause(int $fd): void
public protect(int $fd, bool $is_protected = ?): void
public reload(): bool
public resume(int $fd): void
public send(int $fd, string $data, int $reactor_id = ?): bool
public sendfile(int $fd, string $filename, int $offset = ?): bool
public sendMessage(int $worker_id, string $data): bool
public sendto(
    string $ip,
    int $port,
    string $data,
    string $server_socket = ?
): bool
public sendwait(int $fd, string $data): bool
public set(array $settings): ReturnType
public shutdown(): void
public start(): void
public stats(): array
public stop(int $worker_id = ?): bool
public task(string $data, int $dst_worker_id = ?, callable $callback = ?): mixed
public taskwait(string $data, float $timeout = ?, int $worker_id = ?): void
public taskWaitMulti(array $tasks, float $timeout_ms = ?): void
public tick(int $interval_ms, callable $callback): void


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