(PHP 8)
アトリビュートを使うと、 コンピューターが解析できる構造化されたメタデータの情報を、 コードの宣言時に埋め込むことができます。 つまり、クラス、メソッド、関数、パラメータ、プロパティ、クラス定数にアトリビュートを指定することができます。 アトリビュートで定義されたメタデータは、 実行時に リフレクションAPI を使って調べることが出来ます。 よって、アトリビュートは、 コードに直接埋め込むことが出来る、 設定のための言語とみなすことができます。
アトリビュートを使うと、機能の抽象的な実装と、アプリケーションでの具体的な利用を分離できます。 この点でアトリビュートは、インターフェイスとその実装と比較できます。 インターフェイスとその実装はコードに関する情報ですが、 アトリビュートはコードの追加情報と設定に注釈を付けるものです。 インターフェイスはクラスによって実装できますが、 アトリビュートはメソッドや関数、パラメータ、プロパティ、クラス定数で宣言できます。 よって、アトリビュートはインターフェイスより柔軟です。
アプリケーションの操作を表現する ActionHandler
この ActionHandler
例1 アトリビュートを使い、インターフェイスのオプションのメソッドを実装する
interface ActionHandler
public function execute();
class SetUp {}
class CopyFile implements ActionHandler
public string $fileName;
public string $targetDirectory;
public function fileExists()
if (!file_exists($this->fileName)) {
throw new RuntimeException("File does not exist");
public function targetDirectoryExists()
if (!file_exists($this->targetDirectory)) {
} elseif (!is_dir($this->targetDirectory)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Target directory $this->targetDirectory is not a directory");
public function execute()
copy($this->fileName, $this->targetDirectory . '/' . basename($this->fileName));
function executeAction(ActionHandler $actionHandler)
$reflection = new ReflectionObject($actionHandler);
foreach ($reflection->getMethods() as $method) {
$attributes = $method->getAttributes(SetUp::class);
if (count($attributes) > 0) {
$methodName = $method->getName();
$copyAction = new CopyFile();
$copyAction->fileName = "/tmp/foo.jpg";
$copyAction->targetDirectory = "/home/user";
User Contributed Notes 2 notes
While the example displays us what we can accomplish with attributes, it should be kept in mind that the main idea behind attributes is to attach static metadata to code (methods, properties, etc.).
This metadata often includes concepts such as "markers" and "configuration". For example, you can write a serializer using reflection that only serializes marked properties (with optional configuration, such as field name in serialized file). This is reminiscent of serializers written for C# applications.
That said, full reflection and attributes go hand in hand. If your use case is satisfied by inheritance or interfaces, prefer that. The most common use case for attributes is when you have no prior information about the provided object/class.
interface JsonSerializable
public function toJson() : array;
versus, using attributes,
class JsonSerialize
public function __constructor(public ?string $fieldName = null) {}
class VersionedObject
public const version = '0.0.1';
public class UserLandClass extends VersionedObject
#[JsonSerialize('call it Jackson')]
public string $myValue;
The example above is a little extra convoluted with the existence of the VersionedObject class as I wished to display that with attribute mark ups, you do not need to care how the base class manages its attributes (no call to parent in overriden method).
I've tried Harshdeeps example and it didn't run out of the box and I think it is not complete, so I wrote a complete and working naive example regarding attribute based serialization.
class JsonSerialize
public function __construct(public ?string $fieldName = null) {}
class VersionedObject
public const version = '0.0.1';
class UserLandClass extends VersionedObject
protected string $notSerialized = 'nope';
public string $myValue = '';
public string $company = '';
protected ?UserLandClass $test;
public function __construct(?UserLandClass $userLandClass = null)
$this->test = $userLandClass;
class AttributeBasedJsonSerializer {
protected const ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'JsonSerialize';
public function serialize($object)
$data = $this->extract($object);
return json_encode($data, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
protected function reflectProperties(array $data, ReflectionClass $reflectionClass, object $object)
$reflectionProperties = $reflectionClass->getProperties();
foreach ($reflectionProperties as $reflectionProperty) {
$attributes = $reflectionProperty->getAttributes(static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$instance = $attribute->newInstance();
$name = $instance->fieldName ?? $reflectionProperty->getName();
$value = $reflectionProperty->getValue($object);
if (is_object($value)) {
$value = $this->extract($value);
$data[$name] = $value;
return $data;
protected function reflectConstants(array $data, ReflectionClass $reflectionClass)
$reflectionConstants = $reflectionClass->getReflectionConstants();
foreach ($reflectionConstants as $reflectionConstant) {
$attributes = $reflectionConstant->getAttributes(static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$instance = $attribute->newInstance();
$name = $instance->fieldName ?? $reflectionConstant->getName();
$value = $reflectionConstant->getValue();
if (is_object($value)) {
$value = $this->extract($value);
$data[$name] = $value;
return $data;
protected function extract(object $object)
$data = [];
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($object);
$data = $this->reflectProperties($data, $reflectionClass, $object);
$data = $this->reflectConstants($data, $reflectionClass);
return $data;
$userLandClass = new UserLandClass();
$userLandClass->company = 'some company name';
$userLandClass->myValue = 'my value';
$userLandClass2 = new UserLandClass($userLandClass);
$userLandClass2->company = 'second';
$userLandClass2->myValue = 'my second value';
$serializer = new AttributeBasedJsonSerializer();
$json = $serializer->serialize($userLandClass2);
var_dump(json_decode($json, true));