PHP には多くの組み込みラッパーが用意されています。さまざまな URL 風のプロトコルによって、 fopen() や copy()、 file_exists() そして filesize() といったファイルシステム関数で使用することができます。 これらのラッパーだけでなく、 stream_wrapper_register() 関数でラッパーを自作することもできます。
注意: ラッパーを指定する際の URL 構文としてサポートしているのは
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User Contributed Notes 31 notes
fabacrans__ at __nospamhotmail__ dot __com ¶
11 years ago
You can use "php://input" to accept and parse "PUT", "DELETE", etc. requests.
// Example to parse "PUT" requests
parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $_PUT);
// The result
(very useful for Restful API)
ben dot johansen at gmail dot com ¶
18 years ago
Example of how to use the php://input to get raw post data
//read the raw data in
$roughHTTPPOST = file_get_contents("php://input");
//parse it into vars
if you do readfile("php://input") you will get the length of the post data
aidan at php dot net ¶
20 years ago
The contants:
Were introduced in PHP 4.3.0 and are synomous with the fopen('php://stdx') result resource.
sander at medicore dot nl ¶
17 years ago
to create a raw tcp listener system i use the following:
xinetd daemon with config like:
service test
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
bind =
port = 12345
wait = no
user = apache
group = apache
instances = 10
server = /usr/local/bin/php
server_args = -n [your php file here]
only_from = #gotta love the security#
log_type = FILE /var/log/phperrors.log
log_on_success += DURATION
now use fgets(STDIN) to read the input. Creates connections pretty quick, works like a charm.Writing can be done using the STDOUT, or just echo. Be aware that you're completely bypassing the webserver and thus certain variables will not be available.
ben dot johansen at gmail dot com ¶
18 years ago
In trying to do AJAX with PHP and Javascript, I came upon an issue where the POST argument from the following javascript could not be read in via PHP 5 using the $_REQUEST or $_POST. I finally figured out how to read in the raw data using the php://input directive.
Javascript code:
//create request instance
xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// set the event handler
xhttp.onreadystatechange = serviceReturn;
// prep the call, http method=POST, true=asynchronous call
var Args = 'number='+NbrValue;
xhttp.open("POST", "http://<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?>/webservices/ws_service.php", true);
// send the call with args
PHP Code:
//read the raw data in
$roughHTTPPOST = file_get_contents("php://input");
//parse it into vars
php at rapsys dot eu ¶
12 years ago
Here is a snippet to read compressed raw post data without enabling global variables.
I needed it to read xml posted data submitted by ocs agent. The data was sent as Content-Type: application/x-compressed (zlib compressed data).
It seems related to an old bug which still seems broken :
The important part is the default window set to 15 instead of -15.
Code snippet
$data = '';
$fh = fopen('php://input', 'rb');
stream_filter_append($fh, 'zlib.inflate', STREAM_FILTER_READ, array('window'=>15));
while(!feof($fh)) {
$data .= fread($fh, 8192);
sebastian dot krebs at kingcrunch dot de ¶
13 years ago
The stream php://temp/maxmemory:$limit stores the data in memory unless the limit is reached. Then it will write the whole content the a temporary file and frees the memory. I didnt found a way to get at least some of the data back to memory.
Hayley Watson ¶
6 years ago
Even though their names will be the same, you can have more than one //memory or //temp stream open concurrently; each time you fopen() such a stream, a NEW stream will be opened independently of the others.
This is hinted at by the fact you don't add any unique identifier to the path when creating such streams, but isn't said explicitly.
$hello = fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); // $hello, $php, $world are all different streams.
$php = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
$world = fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); // They're not the same stream opened three times.
fputs($hello, "Hello ");
fputs($php, "PHP ");
fputs($world, "World!");
echo '[', stream_get_contents($hello), '][', stream_get_contents($php), '][', stream_get_contents($world), ']';
// If they were the same stream the output would be "[World!][World!][World!]".
gjaman at gmail dot com ¶
16 years ago
You can decompress (gzip) a input stream by combining wrappers:
eg: $x = file_get_contents("compress.zlib://php://input");
I used this method to decompress a gzip stream that was pushed to my webserver
heitorsiller at uol dot com dot br ¶
18 years ago
For reading a XML stream, this will work just fine:
$arq = file_get_contents('php://input');
Then you can parse the XML like this:
$xml = xml_parser_create();
xml_parse_into_struct($xml, $arq, $vs);
$data = "";
foreach($vs as $v){
if($v['level'] == 3 && $v['type'] == 'complete')
$data .= "\n".$v['tag']." -> ".$v['value'];
echo $data;
PS.: This is particularly useful for receiving mobile originated (MO) SMS messages from cellular phone companies.
nargy at yahoo dot com ¶
20 years ago
When opening php://output in append mode you get an error, the way to do it:
fwrite($fp,"Hello, world !<BR>\n");
vibhavsinha91 at gmail dot com ¶
10 years ago
While writing to error stream, error_log() function comes as a shorthand to writing to php://stderr . This function also allows writing to web server log when running through a web server such as apache.
Anonymous ¶
6 years ago
Be forewarned:
the file:// protocol used in file_get_contents is used as the default for "any unrecognized protocol." Thus:
will deliver the same as
Anonymous ¶
7 years ago
If you want to filter incoming data through php://input use this:
I couldn't find any documentation to explain how to do this. All the examples I came across suggested that a full and actual URL had to be used (which didn't work for me).
This seems to work though.
Justin Megawarne ¶
11 years ago
If my understanding of the implementing code is correct, every time you open a php://memory stream, you get new storage allocated. That is to say, php://memory isn't a shared bank of memory.
sam at bigwig dot net ¶
21 years ago
[ Editor's Note: There is a way to know. All response headers (from both the final responding server and intermediate redirecters) can be found in $http_response_header or stream_get_meta_data() as described above. ]
If you open an HTTP url and the server issues a Location style redirect, the redirected contents will be read but you can't find out that this has happened.
So if you then parse the returned html and try and rationalise relative URLs you could get it wrong.